Wednesday, January 11, 2006
AAAHHHH!!! sch is startin in 4 day time..
*sob* hoilday is comin to the end
sad...i wan longer hoilday..haha..nvm..
have to face it lar..sch startin...
hmm..still haven finish buyin my new
year clothers yet...i got like 3
then hor..i only got 1 bottom only..
haha..die lar..hmm..i think i better save
more money to buy bottoms...hahaha..
oo ya must not forget...have to get new
boxers..hahaha...more boxers....
don't know when will got time n money
to get that..hmm..nvm...if i start savin
now i think will be able to get it before new year
erm..i think..haha..hope so...must pray hard..
@1/11/2006 11:31:00 PM // 0 souls being eaten
skin by naughtyboykid