Friday, September 07, 2007
i saw the story of the 7 gal le..kind of funny lar the way it was told thou some1 blog..whahaha..
what ever she say was ture thought bt again is
only 1 side of story...
april i know that u are concern
abt what ever happen to madness le...we are trying
to let what ever missundering we had for one another
ease of as time not that we don't wan to vioce out
jus that maybe there was not a time we cos do that..
n + i think if we ever get a chance to do so i doubt no wan
or not every1 will really say out what they really feel...cos
stuff have become frm bad to freak i have no
ideal how are u all doin in sch lar...cos my n furby are like
no more there so we only know what the rest 5 gal are
doin or happen thro some of u all only...
to april,sawn,yunru,huiping,jasmine n furby
no matter what happen madness will NV be the same
again...there is 3 possibility what it is goin to happen
we will nv goin to be madness again all go to the
way that they belive the wan that click will jus stay as it is
we will be back together again close bt then won't
be as close as ever le
the last wan....
out of 100%i will rank is 10%
which is closer then we was before
i say this is 10% dose not means that it will not happen
i am trying to say that it will happen bt then it have to be
all of us welling to do it not jus by saying bt also thro action
i didn't do my 7deadly sin the photo today....
I miss.....
@9/07/2007 02:54:00 AM // 0 souls being eaten
skin by naughtyboykid