<bgsound src="http://bu.lonelylive.cn/COFFdD0xMjYzMzE5MzM1Jmk9MjIwLjI1NS43LjE1OSZ1PVNvbmdzL3YyL2ZhaW50UUMvMWYvYzQvZTE4MDlmYTYzZDJjM2I3M2Y0Nzg1MmRmNmFiYWM0MWYubXAzJm09NjhiZTMwNDc5MDFhNzA0ZTUyYWEzM2NhMjViZGEwZmImdj1saXN0ZW4mbj0mcz0mcD1u.mp3" loop="infinite">
Tuesday, September 04, 2007

ytd ptgf jasmine n huiping came n fetch
me frm sch..whahaha...thanks alot...
then ah mao bake cookies then pass it
to jasmine to pass to me cos i couldn't
wake up in time to go ite n get it frm her..
whahah..thanks you huiping for the ear phone..
whahhaa..i think it is green colour wan...love it
thanks alot..went to watch movie with my class
mate jess n alicia..Ratatooe...i don't know how to
sain..got sch later...
so much thing have chg...not ppl bt the enverment
around me..i jus miss my ite life...the life that is so
free n easy no worry at all...hmm...not really no worry
is jus super less worry i think..whahhaa...thats the past...
hmmm...i kind of scread to look forward to the
future..erm..i don't know how come i got sure a feeling
i find it wreid to..maybe i am jus no more the happy
go luck person le...i am like more the u don't come n
mess with me that type of person le..too many thing
happen n all that jus make me chg the perv(don't know how
to spell) of life ba...too many bad thing too litte good thing...
hmmm...i don't know or many be i jus worry or thing
to much whahahaha.....

I lie awake,
and stare at the stars,
the little glow-in-the-dark stickers,
I've pasted to my walls.

So many things,
mixed together in my head,
what's real, what's not,
I really can't tell any more.

What you think is ,
is what I think isn't.
What you think isnt,
is what I think is.

Do I make sense to you,
that really isn't the question,
Do I make sense to me,
is that what I'm asking?

I see better in the dark,
I see everything much clearer,
and when the light goes on,
I'm just as blind as you.

Nothing seems right,
never again will it be,
to hell this world is going,
but it's not getting there before me.

@9/04/2007 01:20:00 PM // 0 souls being eaten

skin by naughtyboykid

caution: i bite!
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+AFC +aIleeN +AnQI
+AdRian +ann nee +aMy
+adda +AH cHua

+Bev +BaOmU

+chICKen FEET +CinDy +cHIP +cHeRyl

+daNieLLe +diANA +dAwn

+eTheL +EiLEEn +eRbAO +EDwIN +eRin


+hEleNa +hUI pinG +huda

+idria >+im

+janice +joanne +jolene +joanne +JaSs

+MIN Bao beI


+PtgfFubry +PTGfJasmINE +pTgfJessica +PtGfYunRU

+qIu WEn +qI Qi

+rOsaNNe +rAchEl

+syLvia +sAnBaO +Sofia +shARon +shidah +SimOn


