a big thanks you to all of u who wish me happy bady
n celeb my bday with me..whahah..thank you madness
for the present n the dinner..thanks you weida for the
$88 of ice cream i doubt i will be eatin ice cream for the
next few month ba..whahah..thank you ah chua ptgf jess
& not forgeting huimin for the dino xiao kong didn't know
that u all was comeing april nv tell me anything all she
ask me to do was look out the window there is saw the dino
n u all..thanks alot..sorry to huimin i could get for u that
guy no that ur eyes can't get off him..whahaha..oops..whahah..
can go to my lovely ptgf jasmine blog to read more abt
what happen on that day ba..whahah